Every summer, I become less motivated to take outfit photos and post on Instagram. The weather is too hot, engagement on social media is down. It just seems like too much effort for little reward. But something I had a lot of fun with this summer was documenting things on a disposable camera. This summer had it's disappointments for sure, especially weather wise, where we experienced lots of rain and extreme temperatures. But I tried to make the most of it and captured a few of my favorite moments on film. A day trip to Coney Island, a rooftop 4th of July Party, and walks in Central Park. In my opinion, disposable cameras are a great way to remember and appreciate the little things in life.
One of the highlights of this summer was the Jazz Age Lawn Party on Governor's Island. It was something I missed a lot last year, so I was glad it was back this year. It was a bit more scaled back than usual, but it was nice to spend the day listening to live music and dancing. It was also one of the nicest days of the summer weather wise, so it made the day even better. Until next year...
I found this strawberry print dress a few weeks ago while thrifting at Beacon's Closet in Williamsburg/Greenpoint. It was originally a nightgown/house dress, but I hemmed it a few inches so it would look more fun and less frumpy. By styling it with the beret, basket bag and sunglasses, I think you would never even know this was actually a nightgown and just looks like a regular sundress.
May 2024